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Starskin is proud to make beauty and skincare products with quality that goes beyond fads and trends. This brand has truly scoured the earth to find the best ingredients that are clean, pure, and effective. Their sheet masks are made of Bio-Cellulose, the gold standard in skin treatment. Also, all Starskin products are silicone-free and have very little need for artificial preservatives. Since their products are partly made from fermented ingredients, Starskin products naturally have longer shelf-lives with great health benefits to boot. Since the dawn of human innovation, fermentation has long been used to make food such as cheese and fine wine, with good bacteria breaking it down and enriching it with antioxidants and healthy amino acids. Starskin has mastered the science of integrating fermentation technology into skincare for you to fully reap its benefits. Typical products contain mostly water, with very little substance left. The Starskin team of experts goes the extra mile to fill their products with more rich botanicals, natural and organic ingredients than just water. Make Starskin a part of your beauty routine and feel the difference.