When used daily, imperfections diminish. Balance is restored to the skin and it appears healthier.
Acnipur Complex: composed of Gluconolactone and Glycolic Acid, diminishes imperfections and eliminates dead skin cells that clog pores.
Glucobio Zn tightens pores and reduces excess sebum.
Sunburn alert this product contains an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that may increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun and particularly the possibility of sunburn. Use sunscreen, wear protective clothing, and limit sun exposure while using this product and for a week afterwards.
Lipacid restores epidermal acidity to promote optimal balance in the skin’s ecosystem.
Mattifying Powder absorbs excess sebum to dry out blemishes.
Apply directly onto blemishes. Leave it to dry. Reapply throughout the day when needed. Avoid contact with the eyes.