Skin Care Basics (Creating your Routine)

Skin Care Basics (Creating your Routine)

We all know that taking care of our skin is important, so we do our skincare routine every day. But are we doing it right? Everyone has an opinion on what the proper way to use skincare is, but there's no consensus. There's a lot of conflicting information out there about skincare, and it's hard to know what is right.

But before talking about the basics of skincare, the first thing we need to identify is your skin type. It's important to identify your skin type before you start doing any skincare routine because it will help you understand what kind of products are right for you.

Let’s briefly discuss the different types of skin.

Oily Skin

Its a condition where the skin produces an excess amount of sebum, which is the oily substance produced by glands in your skin. It can be caused by hormones, stress, and genetics. It's usually accompanied by acne because the excess oil causes bacteria to grow on your face.

To know more about oily skin:

Dry Skin

It occurs when you don't have enough oil in your skin. There are many different causes of dry skin, and they range from environmental factors like low humidity levels to lifestyle factors like smoking or spending too much time in the sun. Your genetic makeup also plays a role: people with dry skin will often have family members who have trouble with dry skin as well.

To know more about dry skin:

Combination Skin

Its when you have two types of skin on your face: oily and dry. The oily areas are usually around your forehead and nose, while the dry areas are usually around your cheeks, chin, and mouth.


The skin has visible signs of acne breakouts such as blackheads, whiteheads, papules/pustules (pimples), and cysts (large inflamed pimples). It is caused by a combination of factors, including hormones, bacteria on the skin, and genetics. When your body produces too much oil in your pores, this can lead to clogged pores and acne breakouts.

To know more about acne:

Sensitive Skin

If the skin is easily irritated by external factors, such as harsh soaps, the sun, and even water. It can be caused by genetic factors or damage to the skin from the environment. Sensitive skin can be itchy, red, and irritated. It can also feel tight after washing or drying off from being in the sun. If you have sensitive skin, you may have noticed that it's more prone to acne breakouts than other people's skin.

To know more about sensitive skin:

Now that we've learned about the different types of skin, it's time to discuss what steps you can take when developing a skincare regime.

1. Wash your face twice to thrice daily!

This is the first step of skincare. You should clean off dirt, impurities, and oil from your skin. Cleansing removes the dead cells, excess oil, and makeup from the skin and also softens it for further treatment.

2. Exfoliating your face once or twice a week can help reduce the appearance of acne and blackheads, as well as prevent wrinkles and fine lines. It can also help remove dead skin cells that can clog pores, making them more prone to acne.

You can exfoliate with an AHA/BHA exfoliant. These are both chemical exfoliants that help smooth the skin and keep it clear. They also help promote new cell growth and increase collagen production. But don't overdo it! Exfoliating too much can lead to irritation and redness. If you're new to exfoliating, start out by doing it once or twice a week and see how your skin reacts before increasing frequency.

3. Using a toner after the facial wash is an important step in your skincare routine.

Toners are designed to help balance the pH level of your skin, which can be thrown out of whack by harsh cleansers or aggressive exfoliants. If you're using a cleanser that leaves your skin feeling tight or tingly, it's likely that it's too strong for your skin type. A toner can help calm down the irritation caused by these products and restore your skin's natural pH levels. It can also help to remove excess dirt and makeup from your face so that you get cleaner results from subsequent steps in your routine (like moisturizers).

Understanding what ingredients are in your toner can help you determine whether it will work best for your skin type and needs. Here are some of the most common ingredients used in toners:

  • Glycerin: This is a humectant—which keeps your natural moisture. This makes glycerin an ideal ingredient for use in toners because it helps retain moisture in the skin after cleansing.
  • Salicylic Acid: It's a type of beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) and it helps treat acne by sloughing off dead skin cells. It can also help reduce the appearance of pores and blackheads, which makes it a great choice for people with oily skin. The safe concentration of BHA in skincare products is between 0.5% and 2%.
  • Lactic Acid: Lactic acid is a naturally occurring alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that's derived from milk. AHAs are known for their ability to help exfoliate skin and speed up cell turnover, which helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. Some toners contain lactic acid because they can help fade discoloration and brighten skin tone. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe redness and irritation caused by acne-prone skin. It is the mildest of all AHA and safe to use in a concentration of not more than 10%.
  • Witch Hazel: This natural astringent has been used for centuries to treat acne and cleanse pores—it even works as an anti-inflammatory! You can find witch hazel in a variety of toners, including those made with tea tree oil and aloe vera. Witch hazel works best with these ingredients because they are both soothing and moisturizing for the skin, which is an important part of preventing irritation and redness from occurring.

4. Serums are usually applied after toners and before creams or lotions.

The serum is an essential step because it contains active ingredients that help to treat and prevent skin issues. These ingredients are formulated in a way that allows them to penetrate deeper into the skin. Some people use more than one type of serum at once, depending on the types of results they want to achieve, and also uses different serums for the day and night. For example, applying a vitamin c serum in the morning is highly recommended to be followed by a hydrating serum as vitamin c can make the skin dry, and a retinol serum at night.

  • Glycolic Acid - Night (or Day With Strong SPF)
  • Vitamin B (Niacinamide) (Day or Night)
  • Vitamin E (Day or Night)
  • Hyaluronic Acid (Day or Night)
  • Lactic Acid - Night (or Day with Strong SPF)
  • Salicylic Acid (Day or Night)
  • Peptides (Day or Night)

5. Do not forget your eye treatment or eye cream.

It is really important to remember that the skin around your eyes is the thinnest and most delicate on your face so you need to gently apply the products around your eyes. It is also the area where you will notice fine lines and wrinkles first, so you need to take extra care of it.

Eye creams tend to be lighter than face moisturizers because they don't need as much oil to balance out the water content in their formulas. They also tend to be more emollient and gentle than facial moisturizers because they are applied more lightly and only at night rather than over the course of an entire day.

6. Moisturizer is one of the most important steps in your skincare routine.

It helps to lock in all of the moisture that you've just added to your skin with a serum, and it also gives you an extra layer of protection against environmental damage.

7. Do not forget to use SPF during the day 15 minutes before sun exposure!

Sun protection factor (SPF) is a measure of a sunscreen's ability to prevent UVA/UVB rays from damaging your skin. To maximize protection from the sun, use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 35 but also consider whether you will be in a hot or cold climate. Even though you might think you're safe when you're bundled up in winter clothing, UVB and UVA rays can still penetrate your skin and cause damage.

8. Don't forget to treat your lips!

Your lips are just as important as the rest of your face. They deserve some attention, too! Not only do they need to be moisturized and protected from the elements, but they also need to look their best. You can achieve that by applying a lip balm that contains sunscreen to protect them from UV rays and also by applying lip treatments to your lips before bed so that the product has ample time to work its magic.

Wrapping it up, looking after your skin is crucial for both your well-being and appearance. Start by figuring out your skin type and then stick to a routine that suits it. Knowing what your skin needs, what's in your skincare products, and how to properly do it will help you choose the right items to achieve healthy and gorgeous skin!




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