Oily Skin: An Overview

Oily Skin: An Overview

Oily skin is a condition that causes the skin to produce an excessive amount of oil, which is why it's sometimes referred to as "sebum," or sebaceous secretions. In some cases, oily skin can lead to acne and other blemishes on the face or body. Oily skin can occur in all age groups, but it tends to be more common in teenagers and young adults due to hormonal changes during this period of life.

Overproduction of sebum

Sebum is natural oil produced by the sebaceous glands in your skin. It helps to lubricate and waterproof the skin, which prevents water loss and protects you from windburn. To keep your skin healthy, there needs to be a perfect balance between the production of sebum and its removal by washing or sweating.

If you have oily skin, it means that your body is overproducing sebum as compared to how much it removes naturally through washing or sweating. This can lead to excessive oiliness on your face (and other parts of your body).


The cause of oily skin is believed to be related to a number of factors. Some scientists suggest that the following may contribute to excessive oil production on the face:

  • Skin cells don't shed as quickly as they should. As new skin cells are created, they become trapped within the pores instead of being pushed out by older ones.
  • The sebaceous glands (oil glands) produce an increased amount of oil when stimulated by hormones or medication.
  • Stress can cause your body to produce more oil than usual—and stress tends to come hand-in-hand with acne breakouts! Oil production increases in response to many medications that treat conditions such as arthritis and high blood pressure; if you use these drugs daily, this could be one factor contributing to your oily skin
  • Oil production increases in response to many medications that treat conditions such as arthritis and high blood pressure; if you use these drugs daily, this could be one factor contributing to your oily skin


In conclusion, oily skin is a common problem that many people experience. It can be difficult to deal with, but there are ways to treat the issue. It's important to know what causes oily skin and how you can prevent it from happening again if you do have it.

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