All About the Pores

All About the Pores

Pores: love them or hate them they are an essential part of our complex skin anatomy. Pores are tiny openings spread all over the surface of our skin with one purpose in mind and that is to allow sweat vapors to escape. Unfortunately, these tiny openings can allow more than just sweat to escape—they can also harbor oils, dirt, and bacteria that cause pimples and breakouts. And those same holes prevent your other makeup products from being able to do their job properly.

So, what really are pores?

Pores are small holes in the skin that are connected to hair follicles. They allow sweat and oils to flow out of the body and keep bacteria from entering. Pores can be found all over your body, but they're most noticeable on the face and back of your hands.

The size of your pores is determined by genetics, however, they do enlarge when you're sick or stressed. Also, if you have oily skin or tend to perspire a lot then your pores will always appear larger than someone with dryer skin or who doesn't sweat as much. Some people have naturally large or open pores that never get clogged and others have smaller ones that are more prone to getting clogged up.

Our pores get clogged when they are blocked by skin cells, bacteria, dead skin, and oil.

The sebaceous glands which lie just below the surface of the skin, excrete an oily substance called sebum that helps to keep the skin soft and supple. When there is a build-up of oil in these glands, and your skin cells become too numerous, the blocked sebaceous glands are unable to push out all of them. This causes acne breakouts.

There are a lot of factors that can contribute to your pore clogging, but most of them come down to a few simple things:

Pollution and heat can both be drying for your skin and make it more likely that your pores will clog up with dirt and bacteria. If you're out in the sun often or live in an area with high levels of pollution, try using a moisturizer and SPF whenever possible so that you don't over-dry out your skin while still protecting yourself from harmful UV rays! 

Stress can affect how much oil your body produces and how effectively you shed dead skin cells—and both of those things affect how well your pores work!

Using the wrong products on your face. If you're using a product with ingredients that don't agree with your skin type or cause irritation, then it's possible that they are contributing to the problem. This could include alcohol and fragrances.

Your diet and lifestyle choices. Certain foods—like sugar, dairy, processed foods, and alcohol—can cause inflammation in your body, which can lead to acne breakouts and clogged pores. And if you’re living an unhealthy lifestyle by not getting enough rest or exercise, all of those toxins will be circulating through your bloodstream instead of being flushed out through sweat or urine!

Many people believe that large pores are permanent and can never be cleared up. To find out whether this is true, let's look at these two common myths about pores.

So, can pores shrink permanently?

The short answer is no—pores cannot be made smaller or removed completely. However, there are some ways to help reduce their appearance.

For example, you might try a pore-tightening product that claims to shrink pores. These products don't actually remove any skin cells or close up pores; instead, they contain ingredients like salicylic acid that exfoliate and remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin to expose clear pores underneath. This allows for a smoother-looking appearance without actually changing anything about how your skin functions.

You can't open and close pores.

I'm sorry to say that, but it's true. Pores are always going to be there, and they're always going to be open.

The reason you feel like your pores are closing when you get a shower or a bath is because of something called "emollients." Emollients are basically ingredients in soap that soften your skin, which makes them feel like they've closed, even though they haven't.

Like it or not, we all have pores and they are very important to the skin. They are a major part of the skin's ability to function properly which allows your skin to breathe, releases sebum, sweat, and dirt and they also help regulate body temperature. So the best way to unclog or treat them is by trying your best to keep them clean and healthy with the help of skincare products and also lifestyle changes.


Pores are a natural and necessary part of our skin and they need to be attended to just like the rest of our skin. If you can keep your pores healthy and clean on a regular basis, It will not only improve your skin's appearance but reach your ultimate goal; healthy, beautiful clean skin!








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